Newsletters are boring! How about a Love Letter instead?

I mean, the title says it all. You hear the word “newsletter” and probably groan internally. Everyone has one these days and no one has the time or inclination to read them.


There are two or three newsletters that show up in my mailbox that I outright ADORE. I may even breathe a sigh of relief when I see them. They’re a welcome treat after scrolling through junk, school emails, and work mumbo jumbo. For five minutes I’m transported into the author’s lovely mind and I may even think about their words again later that day! Who knew?

Soooo, can you see where this is going, my friend?

I’m going to stop sending newsletters. For real.

I’M GOING TO STOP SENDING NEWSLETTERS. I mean, I wasn’t great at sending them anyways but now isn’t the time to beat myself up over that, ya know?

Newsletters are boring. And lord knows we can’t waste this brief and precious life on boring.

Instead of a newsletter, I WILL be sending a Love Letter to my dear readers, with photos and thoughts on love.

A Love Letter, as in a letter full of love, from me to you.

Doesn’t that sound absolutely lovely? If this world is about anything, it’s about love. Since you’re here, I know that you probably cherish intimate human connections the way I do. Hopefully, you’re surrounded by tender, sweet love. And I’m determined to reflect that love back to you with my photos and words.

My Love Letters will be short and extra sweet, with a touch of sarcastic humor. Because if there’s anything we need in addition to love, sweet jeezus it’s humor.

Do I wish that you’ll breathe a sigh of pleasant relief when you see my little Love Letter in your inbox? FFS, you bet I do! I hope my photos and words can bring a touch of respite to your busy day. I hope it’ll be a tiny little vacation that you read in the pickup line, or in bed at the end of a long day, or even while you’re in the bathroom (maybe using the toilet but also maybe just escaping your children for a hot second).

I hope you’ll read my Love Letters and maybe even reply. I’m here for you, ready to love and laugh our way through this interesting life.

If you haven’t already, sign up below to receive your Love Letter: